- ...awakening in time
...I've not yet written the explanation...
Perhaps this is the reason why, so often in this year of transformation from bystander to net-person, I've felt so happy to be connected in this socio-physical experience that seems so much more friendly to my spirit than did anything I recall of the inherited social forms of the self-isolating life industrial, with its hierarchies, its rules and all that.
- ...I'm not saying enough of this here ... but I can say that I feel as if in my own life this net-awareness of time is a release from a form of clocklife that was more like imprisonment than joy.
so now...
- By that I mean 'the nuclear family', 'the school', 'the team', 'the army', 'the university', 'the shop floor', 'the industrial design office', 'the university again, but now as a teacher', 'the educational tv studio', and more recently the world of 'writer-plus-audience' (and sometimes without one, perhaps).
- ...that is all.