...six books, or ten


Joseph Beuys

Energy plan for western man Joseph Beuys in America

'[Q]: How would you describe your new aesthetic?
[Beuys]: I describe it radically: I say aesthetics=human being. That is a radical formula. I set the idea of aesthetics directly in the context of human existence, and then I have the whole problem at hand, then I have not a special problem, I have a 'holography'.
[Beuys laughs, audience laughs sympathetically]
- I don't know exactly what a holography is ...
[more laughter]'

Joseph Beuys has expanded the notion of art to include most of what is presently taken as design, perhaps to all aspects of living. Although there may be unspoken religious assumptions in what he says and does I feel that it's relevant to everyone in modern times. He has expanded the ideas of 'what is a person', 'what is a culture': a necessary step in any attempt to improve modern life, I believe.

William Morris

John Cage

C Thomas Mitchell

George Sturt
Gertrude Stein