16 november 1995 (fragments from notes and memories after a computer crash!):
Thinking of the necessity, in book publishing, to print enough copies to earn the money to pay for professional print people, I wrote:
Aha, I see that it's pay not profits that is or are the main obstacle to decentral publishing and to reaching the joys of dismantling . . .
Mantle, a cloak or loose upper garment, even an envelope or cover, the mantle of night, as a verb: to clothe Paradise Lost v, 279: the wings of the seraph 'came mantling o're his breast/ with regal Ornament' to cover or conceal, to envelop, a froth or cream, to blush, a blush mantling the cheeks, 'The ignorant fumes the mantle Their clearer reason' (Shakespeare) mountains mantled with snow, 'her face mantled with emotions'