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poor boys and the Fanshaws

this is the, or a, beginning to something 
for the boys to do after the machine
              for the moment they are mimicking machines 
              to overcome male fear of (the) post male role
the enveloping wholeness of  
    the seemingly aggressive music 
is really their womb            or cauldron of rebirth    
"are you allright mate?"   remaking the prospect for young men now

I realised of a sudden (that's when I began to write the notes from the third line onwards) that the intention of the performance was not to assail the audience (most of whom were young and had been applauding enthusiastically) but to open, to the somewhat lost generation of young men of the present, firstly the idea that dancing need not be not effeminate and secondly that the male role can change to include softeness as well as hardness, etc.

And now, as I transcribe, I'm remembering a thought of a few days ago:

(c) john chris jones 1995