to: ellipsis
from: William Dragon
15 July 1996
subject: letter fifteen O
attachments: one hundred words for berlin
: hermeneutic homepages (the theory)
Greetings gentlemen
I'm hurrying now to get finished.
' One hundred words for berlin' (I believe it
turned out to be one hundred lines in its first
format) is one of the texts in which jcj discusses
the net as it is and compares it with print.
' Hermeneutic homepages' is what he calls a
reversal. jcj is against websites in which what
you encounter at the homepage is already
interpreted. He proposes rough, uninterpreted
homepages on which you can publish raw thinking as
it happens. He wrote several such pieces during
the year, which appeared on your website. Some of
these accompany letters 12, 16, 17, 20 and 24.
greetings greetings