industrial living as a frozen dream, and our awakening one | two | three | four | five | six From the catalogue to the exhibition of Dreaming, work by students of product development in Antwerp: This year, as in previous years, I invited the students to make a work for an exhibition. The work was not to be a message or a command to the people visiting but an exploration of each students experience of dreaming, or of associated ideas. The finished work could be simply a record of discoveries or it could be a piece composed in any medium, visual art or music, diapositives or video, a story or an imaginary letter, anything that might evoke what each one had learnt. I was hoping that many students would succeed in making or doing something that was beyond what each had previously been able to do and that it would be something to look back on with pleasure. A real work of art. I announced the subject of dreaming on the first day of the course it was the first idea that came into my mind as I awoke that morning after several days of being unable to think of one I liked as much. But I felt that it was rather difficult. As in previous years we began with three or four days of practice in formal methods of collective design, learning to collaborate creatively and to learn from each others minds. We began with a vast brainstorming on dreaming which yielded about 1600 ideas in about 20 minutes. Then each of us classified about a tenth of these to produce personal maps of the field. After looking at these for a few minutes, and after several minutes of silence, each of us made a quick design, a rapid attempt at the final result, but perhaps one to discard later if a better one was found. Then each of us presented our quick designs to an affirmative group and received positive suggestions from the others, beginning formally with the words If I were you I would . After this each of us worked individually to construct our exhibits with occasional help from myself and the others if needed. And now, as I await the exhibition, I am wondering what this years subject will provoke. And as in every year of my visits to Antwerp I expect to be surprised by the amazing quality and energy of what the students here manage to do in the last day or two before the show. jcj, January 1996